If you have a medical emergency in Daly City, California, there are a number of emergency services in the city to help you. Not only are there many excellent medical providers in San Francisco and adjacent areas, but you will also find excellent hospitals right in Daly City including the Seton Medical Center. Seton Medical Center offers emergency services with an emergency room. U.S. News and World Report has recognized Seton Medical Center as one of the top five hospitals in the metro area of San Francisco - making it a good stop if you need an ER while in Daly City, CA.
For other emergencies, you may need to contact the Daly City Police Department. The Daly City Police are highly trained and are dedicated to serving ther community. They work hard to maintain active partnership with the citizens, schools and businesses of the City of Daly City. For more information about the Daly City Police Department, please visit their website.
Other typical concerns of residents and visitors in this area can be the earthquakes that the San Francisco and Daly City region given the proximity of the San Andres fault. Unfortunately, due to it's location, destructive fires and earthquakes are always a possibility in Daly City, CA. Daly City itself has a number of measures put in place to aid in case of an emergency, but the residents are also urged to be prepared to act if necessary.
For instance, the Daly City Fire Department is working to reduce the amount of injury and damage which is involved in either situation. Daly City's Fire Department offers a Fire Safety Program or Earthquake Preparedness Program to help educate the citizens of Daly City about these hazards and how to prepare for them. These programs are available through the Daly City Fire Department at no cost! For more information, please contact the Daly City Fire Department Administration Office at (650) 991-8138.
Local officials also strongly urge residents to create their own emergency action plan and maintain an emergency kit within their own household to be fully prepared for an emergency. The Daly City website contains an excellent resource page where you can find information about reacting in the event of an emergency. You can find it here: http://www.dalycity.org/City_Hall/Departments/Fire_Department/Emergency_Preparedness.htm.